
               author = "Pinto, Ana Clara da Silva",
                title = "Estudo da depend{\^e}ncia de decr{\'e}scimos de raios 
                         c{\'o}smicos do tipo Forbush com a rigidez magn{\'e}tica",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2022",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2022-08-16",
             keywords = "raios c{\'o}smicos, eje{\c{c}}{\~o}es de massa coronais, 
                         decr{\'e}scimos de Forbush, rigidez geomagn{\'e}tica de corte, 
                         rigidez mediana, cosmic rays, interplanetary coronal mass ejecton, 
                         forbush decrease, geomagnetic cutoff rigidity, median rigidity.",
             abstract = "H{\'a} algumas controv{\'e}rsias sobre a depend{\^e}ncia do 
                         tempo de recupera{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos decr{\'e}scimos de Forbush 
                         (Forbush decrease, FD) com a rigidez. Dessa forma, o objetivo 
                         geral deste trabalho {\'e} analisar a depend{\^e}ncia dos FDs 
                         com a rigidez, al{\'e}m de verificar se a depend{\^e}ncia varia 
                         com a invers{\~a}o de polaridade do campo magn{\'e}tico solar 
                         (per{\'{\i}}odo de \≈ 22 anos). Para isso, foram 
                         utilizados 82 detectores de part{\'{\i}}culas, entre monitores 
                         de n{\^e}utrons e detectores de m{\'u}ons da GMDN (Global Muon 
                         detector Network). Ent{\~a}o, 66 ICMEs (Interplanetary Coronal 
                         Mass Ejections) associadas a decr{\'e}scimos de Forbush que 
                         ocorreram entre 1970 e 2018 foram selecionadas. Ademais, 
                         atrav{\'e}s de 4 modelos distintos os seguintes par{\^a}metros 
                         dos FDs foram calculados: a) o tempo caracter{\'{\i}}stico da 
                         fase de recupera{\c{c}}{\~a}o \𝑇\𝑟, definido 
                         como o tempo necess{\'a}rio para que a intensidade se recupere 
                         \≈ 63%; b) a amplitude do decr{\'e}scimo 
                         \𝐼\𝐵\𝑚\𝑖\𝑛, que 
                         {\'e} a diferen{\c{c}}a entre a intensidade na data de 
                         in{\'{\i}}cio da ICME 
                         (\𝐼\𝑏\𝑒\𝑓) e a intensidade 
                         m{\'{\i}}nima registrada durante a passagem da ICME; e c) a 
                         amplitude do FD na fase de recupera{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         \𝐼\𝐴\𝑠\𝑟, que {\'a} a 
                         diferen{\c{c}}a entre a intensidade assint{\'o}tica 
                         \𝐼\𝑎\𝑓\𝑡, atingida ap{\'o}s o 
                         fim do efeito da ICME, e a intensidade registrada na data de fim 
                         da passagem da ICME. Calculou-se, por fim, 48254 ajustes, dos 
                         quais 69% deles foram utilizados na an{\'a}lise da 
                         depend{\^e}ncia devido a um processo de exclus{\~a}o de ajustes 
                         fisicamente incompat{\'{\i}}veis. Por fim, conclui-se que: a) 
                         h{\'a} um n{\'u}mero significativo, inclusive majorit{\'a}rio, 
                         de over-recovery do que de eventos em que 
                         \𝐼\𝑎\𝑓\𝑡 = 
                         \𝐼\𝑏\𝑒\𝑓, e um n{\'u}mero 
                         minorit{\'a}rio, por{\'e}m consider{\'a}vel, de under-recovery; 
                         b) as amplitudes 
                         \𝐼\𝐵\𝑚\𝑖\𝑛 e 
                         \𝐼\𝐴\𝑠\𝑟 diminuem com o 
                         aumento da rigidez mediana; c) a depend{\^e}ncia das amplitudes 
                         \𝐼\𝐵\𝑚\𝑖\𝑛 e 
                         \𝐼\𝐴\𝑠\𝑟 com a rigidez de 
                         corte dos n{\^e}utrons {\'e} maior do que a depend{\^e}ncia com 
                         a rigidez de corte dos m{\'u}ons; d) as amplitudes 
                         \𝐼\𝐵\𝑚\𝑖\𝑛 e 
                         \𝐼\𝐴\𝑠\𝑟 diminuem com o 
                         aumento de \𝑃\𝑐 dos n{\^e}utrons e quase 
                         n{\~a}o variam com o aumento de \𝑃\𝑐 dos 
                         m{\'u}ons; e) a prov{\'a}vel depend{\^e}ncia de 
                         \𝑇\𝑟 com a rigidez (\𝑃\𝑚 e 
                         \𝑃\𝑐) ocorre de forma n{\~a}o 
                         sistem{\'a}tica/recorrente, isto {\'e}, diferente para cada 
                         evento; e f) nenhuma das vari{\'a}veis que avaliam a 
                         depend{\^e}ncia dos par{\^a}metros dos decr{\'e}scimos de 
                         Forbush com a rigidez exibiu uma varia{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         c{\'{\i}}clica compat{\'{\i}}vel com o ciclo magn{\'e}tico 
                         solar. ABSTRACT: There is a controversy about the dependence of 
                         Fobush decrease's (FD) recovery time with rigidity. Thus, the main 
                         goal of this work is to analyze the FDs dependence with rigidity, 
                         in addition to verify whether the dependence varies with the 
                         polarity inversion of the solar magnetic field (\≈22 -year 
                         period). In orther to do so, 82 cosmic ray detectors were used, 
                         including neutron monitors and muon detectors from the GMDN 
                         (Global Muon detector Network). Then, 66 ICMEs (Interplanetary 
                         Coronal Mass Ejections) associated with Forbush decreases that 
                         occurred between 1970 and 2018 were selected. Furthermore, through 
                         4 different models, the following parameters of the FDs were 
                         calculated: a) the characteristic time of the recovery phase 
                         \𝑇\𝑟, defined as the time needed for the 
                         intensity to recover \≈63%; b) the decrease magnitude 
                         \𝐼\𝐵\𝑚\𝑖\𝑛, which is 
                         the difference between the intensity at the ICME start 
                         \𝐼\𝑏\𝑒\𝑓 and the minimum 
                         intensity recorded during the ICME passage; and c) the FD 
                         amplitude in the recovery phase 
                         \𝐼\𝐴\𝑠\𝑟, which is the 
                         difference between the asymptotic intensity 
                         \𝐼\𝑎\𝑓\𝑡, reached after the 
                         end of the ICME effect, and the intensity recorded at the ICME end 
                         date. Finally, 48254 fits were calculated from which 69% of them 
                         were used in the dependency analysis due to a process of excluding 
                         physically incompatible fits. Lastly, it is concluded that: a) 
                         there is a significant number, the majority of the cases, of 
                         over-recovery as compared to events in which 
                         \𝐼\𝑎\𝑓\𝑡 = 
                         \𝐼\𝑏\𝑒\𝑓, and a smaller 
                         number, but considerable, of under-recovery; b) the amplitudes 
                         \𝐼\𝐵\𝑚\𝑖\𝑛 and 
                         \𝐼\𝐴\𝑠\𝑟 decrease with 
                         increasing median rigidity; c) the dependence of the amplitudes 
                         \𝐼\𝐵\𝑚\𝑖\𝑛 and 
                         \𝐼\𝐴\𝑠\𝑟 with the neutron 
                         cutoff rigidity is greater than the dependence on the muon cutoff 
                         rigidity; d) the amplitudes 
                         \𝐼\𝐵\𝑚\𝑖\𝑛 and 
                         \𝐼\𝐴\𝑠\𝑟 decrease with the 
                         increase of neutrons \𝑃\𝑐 and almost do not vary 
                         with the increase of muon's \𝑃\𝑐 ; e) the 
                         probable dependence of \𝑇\𝑟 with rigidity 
                         (\𝑃\𝑐) occurs in a non-systematic/recurring way, 
                         that is, different for each event; f) none of the variables used 
                         for the dependence analysis of the Forbush decreases with rigidity 
                         exhibited a cyclic variation compatible with the solar magnetic 
            committee = "Wrasse, Cristiano Max (presidente) and Dal Lago, Alisson 
                         (orientador) and Mendon{\c{c}}a, Rafael Rodrigues Souza de 
                         (orientador) and Silva, Marlos Rockenbach da and Echer, Ezequiel 
                         and Raulin, Jean Pierre and Fauth, Anderson Campos",
         englishtitle = "Study of the dependence of cosmic rays decreases of Forbush type 
                         with magnetic rigidity",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "373",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34T/47MMH7P",
                  url = "",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "2024, Apr. 29"
