Repository Statistics

September 19, 2024

Journal Article
An Isolated Stellar-mass Black Hole Detected through Astrometric Microlensing*
Sahu, Kailash C. & Anderson, Jay & Casertano, Stefano & Bond, Howard E. & Udalski, Andrzej & Dominik, Martin & Calamida, Annalisa & Bellini, Andrea & Brown, Thomas M. & Rejkuba, Marina & Bajaj, Varun & Kains, Noe & Ferguson, Henry C. & Fryer, Chris L. & Yock, Philip & Mroz, Przemek & Kozlowski, Szymon & Pietrukowicz, Pawel & Poleski, Radek & Skowron, Jan & Soszynski, Igor & Szymanski, Michal K. & Ulaczyk, Krzysztof & Wyrzykowski, Lukasz & Barry, Richard K. & Bennett, David P. & Bond, Ian A. & Hirao, Yuki & Silva, Stela Ishitani & Kondo, Iona & Koshimoto, Naoki & Ranc, Clement & Rattenbury, Nicholas J. & Sumi, Takahiro & Suzuki, Daisuke & Tristram, Paul J. & Vandorou, Aikaterini & Beaulieu, Philippe & Marquette, Jean-Baptiste & Cole, Andrew & Fouque, Pascal & Hill, Kym & Dieters, Stefan & Coutures, Christian & Dominis-Prester, Dijana & Bennett, Clara & Bachelet, Etienne & Menzies, John & Albrow, Michael & Pollard, Karen & Gould, Andrew & Yee, Jennifer C. & Allen, William & Almeida, Leonardo A. & Christie, Grant & Drummond, John & Gal-Yam, Avishay & Gorbikov, Evgeny & Jablonski, Francisco José & Lee, Chung-Uk & Maoz, Dan & Manulis, Ilan & McCormick, Jennie & Natusch, Tim & Pogge, Richard W. & Shvartzvald, Yossi & Jorgensen, Uffe G. & Alsubai, Khalid A. & Andersen & I & Michael & Bozza, Valerio & Novati, Sebastiano Calchi & Burgdorf, Martin & Hinse, Tobias C. & Hundertmark, Markus & Husser, Tim-Oliver & Kerins, Eamonn & Longa-Pena, Penelope & Mancini, Luigi & Penny, Matthew & Rahvar, Sohrab & Ricci, Davide & Sajadian, Sedighe & Skottfelt, Jesper & Snodgrass, Colin & Southworth, John & Tregloan-Reed, Jeremy & Wambsganss, Joachim & Wertz, Olivier & Tsapras, Yiannis & Street, Rachel A. & Bramich, D. M. & Horne, Keith & Steele, Iain A. :2022:
(metadata from site < 808>)

The number of visits1 since August 12, 2022 is 112.

Average number of visits per day
over 10 periods of 77 days











  1       2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9       10  

The height of the purple bar is proportional to the average number of visits per day
within the corresponding period.
Period 1 begins on August 12, 2022 ( ), and Period 10 ends on September 19, 2024 ( ).
The number of visits over the 10 periods is 112.
The average number of visits per day over the 10 periods is 0.15.
1Before May 17, 2015, all each user visits (IP) were added, thereafter, only one visit per day for each user (IP) is added.